Partnership Program

RTD建立了伙伴关系计划,帮助社区通过自己设计的交通试点满足当地的交通需求. 该计划有专门的年度预算来支持伙伴关系项目,并建立了公平的入学和评估标准化程序.

合作伙伴计划的目的是为项目发起人或其采购的承包商运营的额外交通部署或其他移动服务提供资金. 基础设施投资,如自行车/行人安全解决方案或公交车站设施,不符合伙伴关系计划的资助条件. RTD服务,如FlexRide的扩展或固定路线巴士运营,不符合合作伙伴计划的资助资格.



2024 Call for Projects

The 2024 Call for Projects will be open from May 1, 2024 – June 3, 2024 via the online application portal. 每个项目需要有一(1)个项目发起人,负责与RTD签署合作伙伴计划协议. 只要确定了项目发起人,项目就可以有一个或多个合作伙伴.

如果您是对您的试点项目车辆购买感兴趣的项目发起人,请联系 John Gardocki, Project Manager of Partnerships before submitting an application.


2024 Project Selection Criteria

  • Alignment with RTD Strategic Plan
  • Local support and ability to meet local needs
  • Provides service where there is a gap in existing service
  • Provides service to equity zones
  • Potential ridership
  • Project readiness

Q&A Meeting Recording


What is the Partnership Program?

伙伴计划是RTD建立的一个计划,旨在帮助社区满足当地的交通需求. 该项目将有专门的年度预算来支持合作项目,并建立一个标准化的录取和评估程序.

How is the program funded?

该计划由RTD董事会分配的当地RTD资金资助. In 2024, the Board has allocated $2 million to the program.


运输部署或在RTD之外运营的其他移动服务. 基础设施投资不符合伙伴计划资助的条件.

Are infrastructure projects eligible?

No, infrastructure projects are not eligible. While not eligible for Partnership Program funds, RTD经常与地方政府合作,为支持交通的基础设施项目提供资金.

What entitles are eligible for Partnership Program funding?

Local governments and TMAs/TMOs. 不属于这两类的组织可以与符合条件的实体合作申请伙伴关系资金.

Will project sponsors be required to leverage, or match the funding available for Partnership Program projects?



No. Project sponsors can propose greater than 20% local match, but the amount of local match does not factor into project scoring.

How are projects evaluated under the Partnership Program?

Projects will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with RTD Strategic Plan
  • Local support and ability to meet local needs
  • 在现有服务存在缺口的地方提供移动性或对现有服务进行补充
  • Provides mobility to equity zones
  • Potential ridership
  • Project readiness

How do I apply for funds?



分区域服务理事会由地方政府组成, transportation management associations/organizations, and non-government organizations. 分区域服务理事会的边界以旅行区为基础, and are small enough to allow for local transit needs to be voiced, 但足够大,可以与邻近的司法管辖区进行协调.


提交研发部的项目必须得到分区域服务理事会的支持. 如果分区域服务理事会向RTD提交了一个以上的项目, the projects must be prioritized. Additionally, 每个分区域服务理事会将选出一名代表,与区域开发计划署工作人员一起参加项目选择小组.




No. 项目将在区域内竞争,并将根据它们是否符合项目征集中规定的评估标准进行评估.



How will RTD determine whether a project is successful?

项目须符合“社区”服务类别的即时运输服务表现标准. 这些绩效标准将在项目征集中提出.

How will funding continue for successful projects each year?

Project sponsors can request up to three years of funding from RTD. After the initial three-year commitment, the project will be evaluated based on performance, 今后的供资承诺将根据这一业绩以及现有资金情况.

For how many years can I request funding?

Project sponsors can request up to three years of funding from RTD. After the initial three-year commitment, the project will be evaluated based on performance, 今后的供资承诺将根据这一业绩以及现有资金情况.

2023 Call for Projects

The 2023 Call for Projects was open from June 1 to July 7. It made $2 million available annually for up to three years. RTD received 12 applications, of which ten were complete. 10份完整的申请书由项目所在地 分区域服务理事会 确定优先次序,并由RTD工作人员评分. 评分和优先排序由选拔委员会使用, which was comprised of RTD staff, one representative from each SSC, 以及丹佛地区政府委员会的一名代表, to develop a final funding recommendation. RTD很高兴与以下组织合作,在整个地区推进移动服务的扩展.

ProjectSponsorSSC2024 Funding2025 Funding2026 Funding
GES Montbello ExpansionDenverNortheast$150,000$300,000$300,000
West Denver ConnectorDenverSouthwest$150,000 $300,000 $300,000
Englewood Trolley ExpansionEnglewood Southwest$300,000 $300,000 $300,000
Longmont MicrotransitLongmontBoulder$450,000$350,000$350,000
Lone Tree Link ExpansionDenver SouthSoutheast$576,000$500,000$0
FlexRide OptimizationSmart CommuteNortheast$43,120$0$0
Gunbarrel ShuttleBoulderBoulder $150,000$250,000$250,000
Micromobility Hub NetworkSmart CommuteNortheast$145,719$0$0
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